The Rules of Dis-Engagement (on Social Media)

Social media platforms, like nothing before them, expand our networks to include people who, without them, might have remained forgotten remnants from our past. That girl who peed her pants in grade 2? Found her on Facebook. That guy who broke your heart when you were 13? He tweets regularly now about his vegan diet. That person who shared a room with you at the YMCA when you were travelling through Europe? Her drawings are on Tumblr. That cousin you hardly ever see anymore? You can see pictures of his kids on Instagram. Once the initial glow of reconnecting passes, you have to come to terms with the fact that their ‘stuff’ shows up in your newsfeed. And you soon realize that shared childhoods and shared dormitory rooms do not equal shared political views. In fact, you may be subjected to disturbingly offensive opinions, and find yourself dismayed as you try to reconcile your happy memories of him/her with the person who now seems to be a total red-necked blockh...