Forest Walk in May Have Paulian scales fallen from my eyes? How is that the forest I've walked through more than a hundred times is this night so vivid around me. I see things as though wearing 3D glasses in a movie theatre…like walking amidst props on a set projected on a giant screen. The wild turkey, noisy and flustered, abandons her ground nest and takes to wobbly flight as we pass. On the hill, four deer watch us -simultaneously nervous and confident - knowing they could swiftly bolt, should we try to narrow the distance between them and us. Hinds’ feet on high places. The twilight feels perfect. We walk in that perfect window of time between winter and summer when the sun is vaguely warm, the brown forest floor is shot through in places with tentative green…when skinny branches flaunt skinny buds …when the dog-strangling vine has not yet be...